
 Remi, 18, is a university student. Her father and mother used to leave her alone at home because it was forbidden for her to go out to the market with them, being a girl. And her cousin, as well, did not allow girls to leave the house. her father was a devout Sharia professor at the university.

One day while she was at home, she decided to enter her father's office and browse through the books. They were all religious books. One of these books was on the desk, which her father was reading. She decided to pick it up and read it. As a child, she was shocked to read about what men should do to women sexually and how they should beat and tie them during intercourse.

The girl was shocked and panicked so much so that when she saw her father, she screamed and ran away. Whenever she saw a man or even a boy, she would scream and run away. She sought out and contacted sorcerers who burdened her with magic, but she did not heal; instead, her condition worsened until she reached the point of preparing spirits and jinn (in Islam, they say Jinn are real creatures that from a world other than that of mankind, capable of causing physical and mental harm to human beings.).

Then came atheism, and she searched for ways to steal money to buy drugs and alcohol.

But one day, the Lord revealed Himself to her through a dream, showing her that their Islam prophet was a sorcerer, magician, and liar.

She began to search in books and on social media, asking people on pages until she met a girl from our Facebook page, Anna, who told her about the page, where she is currently a disciple.

And indeed, Remi sent a message wanting to know the Lord Jesus and seeking follow-up and wanting to be baptized in the church because her situation is very difficult from a family perspective.

She prayed with us and accepted the Lord Jesus personally into her life and surrendered her heart and entire life to Him.

We found her a church near the university where she could attend, and we continue to follow up with her and discipling her through the page's zoom meetings.


  Anna, comes from a very biased family, while she was scrolling through social media, she came across videos talking about Jesus, His love, and how He is completely far from evil and harm, and how forgiving He is.

At first, she didn't care much, but then the Lord opened her spiritual eyes, and she started searching more and more for the reason Christians love Jesus.

One day, a Facebook page appeared before her, and she found herself sending a message asking to know more about Jesus. The response she received was, "Pray and ask God to show you the right path, whether it's Christ or other religions."

She prayed Istikhara (a prayer in Islam for guidance), and in the morning when she woke up, she found herself rejoicing that she was saw Jesus and was following Him, and her entire family were in tears because they were from a different religion.

She was thrilled to search more, asking people questions. She came across Call her Blessed Facebook page and told us that she wanted to know more about the Lord and have a strong relationship with Him. She also expressed her desire to be baptized. We now follow up with her, pray with her, and currently, she is in a discipleship group.


Joy, an Iraqi woman, lost her mother when ISIS entered Mosul while she was a 14-year-old girl said, "I used to go to church, but I didn't understand anything, and I didn't love God because He took my mother from me. I never opened the Bible in my life."

 She got married at 17, and had to leave Iraq to Jordan. Her friend gave her a Bible in Jordan, and her sister told her about the CHB center in an area in Jordan. She started going to the center, attending Bible study classes, and discipleship classes. She began to understand that God is love and is here for us as a support. She started reading the Bible and understanding God's words, the life of Jesus, and the plan of salvation. She realized God's plan for her and accepted Christ as her Savior.

Now, she proudly serve and help women get to know Jesus Christ, and she started by teaching her children, friends, and the world about the Savior.

A search for Christ

A Muslim girl from Iraq who was searching for truth contacted the facebook page of Call her Blessed. She said Islam is unfair to women, and when she read the Quran, she found many wrong teachings, especially the verse that says, "And hit them," which raised doubts in her mind about whether the Quran is a divine book from God. It gave her a terrible feeling as to why men are considered superior to women, and with the hadiths saying that women are equal to dogs and impurities.

She asked the call her Blessed worker if Christianity teaches such things, and she began explaining to her from the Bible about equality between men and women, and she sent her passages from Galatians 3 (neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male or female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus). She talked to her about the value of women in the Gospel and sent her teachings of Jesus about love in Matthew 5, 6, and 7.

She told her that she had been searching for Christ since she was 15 years old when she saw Him in a dream. “There was a severe storm, people were dying, and she saw Jesus extend His hand and lift her above the clouds, saving her from the storm.” Since then, she had been searching for Him, but no one had told her about Him before. She prayed with the CHB worker, surrendered her heart and life to Christ, and downloaded the Bible app on her phone. She taught her how to read it, sent her spiritual follow-ups, the four spiritual laws, worship songs, and the film "The Life of Christ." She is now a new person in Christ, and she is still in discipleship.

"I am the way"

A woman was dreaming of a person carrying her over His shoulders and His face was glowing then He pulled her up into heaven. She was so relaxed and rested in that dream.

After a while, she had another dream that she was getting into a taxi when she saw the same person she was dreaming of, telling her: “why do you want to go that way? There’s a better and a more beautiful way and you will reach the destination faster. She got into the taxi where He took her to a building where she saw a huge cross on its door. She woke up not understanding what was happening but she felt that God was trying to tell her something. 

After a few days, a worker from Call her Blessed team visited her and shared with her the dreams she was seeing and the worker shared the gospel and explained that the man was Jesus Christ.

Then she prayed to receive Christ and she has been discipled.

Please continue to pray for all women in different areas of Jordan, may they continue to see dreams and visions and experience the love of Christ. 


Salam whose name means (Peace) is an Algerian woman who was sexually and physically abused in her childhood  by her mother, her father and later, her husband. 

She had a failed marriage and her husband was cheating on her. She was very depressed when She contacted our “Anty Jamela” (“you are beautiful”) Facebook page, She told us her story and we sent her the Magdalene film.

After watching it, she wrote to us: “How caring, loving, and forgiving Jesus is, Unlike Mohammed, who is dead, dominant,  unjust, and hates women. I believe that Jesus Christ is God and I am a daughter of Almighty King Jesus.” 

A Call her Blessed worker called and prayed together and gave her life to Christ. She now attends discipleship classes and psychological support groups with us through zoom.