A search for Christ

A Muslim girl from Iraq who was searching for truth contacted the facebook page of Call her Blessed. She said Islam is unfair to women, and when she read the Quran, she found many wrong teachings, especially the verse that says, "And hit them," which raised doubts in her mind about whether the Quran is a divine book from God. It gave her a terrible feeling as to why men are considered superior to women, and with the hadiths saying that women are equal to dogs and impurities.

She asked the call her Blessed worker if Christianity teaches such things, and she began explaining to her from the Bible about equality between men and women, and she sent her passages from Galatians 3 (neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male or female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus). She talked to her about the value of women in the Gospel and sent her teachings of Jesus about love in Matthew 5, 6, and 7.

She told her that she had been searching for Christ since she was 15 years old when she saw Him in a dream. “There was a severe storm, people were dying, and she saw Jesus extend His hand and lift her above the clouds, saving her from the storm.” Since then, she had been searching for Him, but no one had told her about Him before. She prayed with the CHB worker, surrendered her heart and life to Christ, and downloaded the Bible app on her phone. She taught her how to read it, sent her spiritual follow-ups, the four spiritual laws, worship songs, and the film "The Life of Christ." She is now a new person in Christ, and she is still in discipleship.